Volunteer for us

We always need more volunteers for our events to make sure everything happens nice and smoothly. We are passionate about providing great events for everyone that takes part and you could be an integral part of this. We're a really friendly bunch and would love to have you on-board.

Just hop over to our List of Events to see what events we have planned and when you can help!

Who Can Help?

Everyone is welcome, you just need to be enthusiastic and have a passion for sport. Volunteers do need to be aged 16 or over (younger volunteers can also help if accompanied by a supervising parent/guardian).

You must be a positive person, able to work in a team, be people focussed and be committed to providing the very best experience for all those taking part. We love the sport, love taking part, always congratulate athletes and wish them good luck, it makes a huge difference to their day!

What will I need to do?

There are loads of roles for you to help with. This might be at the start/finish, marshaling on the route, at a water station or at a baggage drop. Don't worry, we'll make sure you understand what's involved and support you all the way.

What are the Benefits?

A chance to hang-out with us (we think this is a benefit!!) - we've made some great friends along the way. You'll get really close to all the action, probably some of the best seats in the house. If you've got a friend or family member taking part in a road event, a chance to cheer them on the route and the knowledge you've made a difference to so many people on the day. That's not all, we'll also give you:-

- A marshal credit which gives you free entry into another of our events (most events are included)

- Certificate of recognition for volunteering

- Free Refreshments (we all need that cup of tea or coffee when we arrive!)

....and lastly but most importantly, the huge appreciation of everyone who takes part.

So, now it's time to get in touch!

We hope you want to get involved, you'll be very welcome. Just drop us a mail at contact@sportingeventsuk.com or fill in the form below to let us know when you're available.

We look forward to meeting you!